Holt Earth Science (California Edition)

Book cover of Holt Earth Science (California Edition)

By: Holt and Rinehart and Winston Staff

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Synopsis Holt Science California Grade 6 Earth organizes knowledge on the world we live in. Each chapter involves the learners taking them step by step through the exploration of science Copyright: 2007

Book Details

Book Quality: Excellent Book Size: 704 Pages ISBN-13: 9780030426582 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Date of Addition: 12/16/14 Copyrighted By: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Adult content: No Language: English Has Image Descriptions: No Categories: Nonfiction , Science , Textbooks , Earth Sciences Grade Levels: Sixth grade Submitted By: Daproim Africa Proofread By: Daproim Africa Usage Restrictions: This is a copyrighted book.


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Book cover of Holt Earth Science (California Edition)


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