DSLabs is a framework for creating, testing, model checking, visualizing, and debugging distributed systems lab assignments. The labs have been used to teach hundreds of students in the University of Washington’s CSE 452 and courses in universities around the world.
It is designed from the ground up help students create correct and runnable implementations of real distributed systems. DSLabs incorporates automated model checking to search students’ implementations for bugs and report back with example traces when bugs are found.
The labs are written in Java and come packaged with all necessary dependencies. They also include a visual debugger, which allows students to explore the reachable states of their systems and visualize bugs reported by the model checker.
There are currently 4 labs in the DSLabs package. These labs have students implement:
Parts of this sequence of assignments (especially labs 2 and 4) are adapted from the MIT 6.824 Labs.
Labs 2, 3, and 4 depend on parts of lab 1, and lab 4 depends on lab 3. The labs increase in difficulty; lab 2 primarily functions as a training exercise before implementing Paxos. Part 3 of lab 4 (distributed transactions) is particularly challenging. In some years, it has been extra-credit at UW.
See the GitHub repository for more information.
If you are looking to incorporate DSLabs into a course you teach, the first thing to do is to complete the labs yourself. The main README and the students’ README contain more information about getting started.
The lab README s help provide some background, but to ensure students have the necessary information to complete the labs, we strongly suggest assigning “Paxos Made Moderately Complex” and chapter 7 of Bernstein, Hadzilacos, and Goodman’s “Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems”, up to but not including the section on 3-phase commit. Labs 1 and 2 are fairly self-contained, however. See recent offerings of UW CSE 452 for full example syllabi.
The default GitHub branch is not setup for use by students. Instead, we create a handout for distribution to students that comes packaged with all dependencies. This handout is automatically deployed to the handout branch of the repository but is periodically overwritten.
Our suggested distribution strategy is to create a private clone of the main repository for use by course staff and a repository viewable by students. You can make changes to your private repository and merge in changes from upstream at will. Then, using a script like the following, you can push new versions of the built handout to students as necessary. They will only see the fully built version of DSLabs and will be able to merge in changes.
make build/handout/ HASH=`git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD` DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` git checkout -b temp git add -f build/handout/ git commit -m "Handout temp" git clean -fxd git filter-branch -f --subdirectory-filter build/handout/ git remote add handout $(HANDOUT_REPO) git fetch handout master git checkout -b handout handout/master || git checkout --orphan handout git rm -rf . git checkout temp -- . git commit --allow-empty -m "Publishing handout on $(DATE) from $(HASH)" git push handout handout:master
Please ensure your students do not publicly post solutions to the labs. The continued success of this project is dependent on keeping solution sets off of the internet.
Several grading scripts are included in the DSLabs repository, and the Makefile distributed to students includes a target that packages up a submit.tar.gz file for submission. The grading scripts may need to be adapted to your particular infrastructure. Please note that the grading scripts are not perfect. Bounded model checking is not guaranteed to find all bugs. Also, it is entirely possible to circumvent the spirit of the DSLabs framework (e.g., by using static for inter-Node communication) or circumvent the tests entirely (e.g., by using reflection to overwrite the testing infrastructure and always report success). You should always check to ensure submitted code is not pathological or malicious.
Over the years, our intrepid UW TAs have led discussion sections as introductions to the lab assignments. The slides they created have a number of useful tips and implementation strategies, based on their own experience. While the lab README s are complete and address most of the major pitfalls, we provide the discussion slides from a recent iteration of the course as an example of the kinds of things you might want to discuss with students about the labs.