Site Acceptance Test (SAT): A Comprehensive Guide

This article will explain everything you need to know about SATs, including their purpose, scope, and key components.

Site Acceptance Testing

Published 13 Dec 2023 Article by SafetyCulture Content Team | 4 min read

What is a Site Acceptance Test?

A Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is a process used to verify that a system meets the requirements of the customer or user. It is usually conducted at the customer’s site after the system has been installed.

SATs are important because they help to ensure that the system works as expected and that the customer is satisfied with the results. They also help to identify any issues that need to be addressed before the system goes into production.

It usually takes place after the successful completion of the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). The SAT is a milestone in the project, and as such, it is often used to trigger project close-out activities and the release of final project deliverables.

What is Its Purpose?

The purpose of the site acceptance test is to ensure that the site meets all the requirements of the client. This includes checking the functionality of the site, the design, the usability, and the security. Once the site has been tested and approved by the client, it can then be launched.

What is the Difference Between SAT and FAT?

The difference between a site acceptance test and a factory acceptance test is that an SAT is conducted at the customer’s site, while a FAT is done at the manufacturer’s factory.

Moreover, an SAT is used to verify that the system meets the customer’s requirements and can be operated in the customer’s environment. Meanwhile, a FAT is used to confirm that the system meets the contractual requirements and can be operated in the vendor’s factory environment.

What are the Tests Included in a Site Acceptance Test

There are many different tests included in an SAT, but some common elements include:

Visual Check

A visual check involves examining the physical site to ensure that it meets the requirements specified in the project documents. This may include checking for trip hazards, correcting signage, and making sure that the building is in good repair.

Functionality Check

A functionality check is conducted to ensure that all the systems and components at the site are functioning correctly. This may include tests of the electrical system, calibration, HVAC system, and fire safety system.

Safety Check

A safety check is conducted to ensure that the site is safe for occupants and visitors. This may include checking for hazardous materials, assessing the risks of egress in case of an emergency, and making sure that the site is free of trip hazards.

Internal Box Pressure and Ventilation Check

After the site has been cleaned and all fixtures have been installed, an internal box pressure and ventilation check is conducted. This test is conducted to ensure that the space is correctly pressurized and there is adequate ventilation.

FAT protocol and documentation

Not a test but the FAT protocol is a document that outlines the procedures that will be followed during the SAT. This document should be reviewed and signed by all parties involved in the SAT. It should also be followed during the entire SAT process.

How is a Site Acceptance Test Performed?

There are various types of SATs, but a common approach is to have a team of testers work through a set of cases or scenarios. The team will then report any issues that they find.
The SAT process generally includes the following steps:

  1. Planning: The first step is to develop a plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and approach of the SAT.
  2. Execution: Once the plan is in place, the SAT team can begin executing the test cases.
  3. Reporting: After the test cases have been executed, the SAT team will generate a report that documents the results of the testing.
  4. Validation: Finally, the system owner, user, or customer will review the SAT report and validate the results.

Once the customer or client is satisfied that the system or site meets their requirements, they will sign off on it, and the SAT will be complete.

Conduct Effective Site Acceptance Tests with SafetyCulture (Formerly iAuditor)

Why Use SafetyCulture?

Conducting an effective site acceptance test is critical to the success of any project. It ensures that your site meets all the required standards and it’s safe for users.
SafetyCulture can help you carry outan effective SAT by providing a checklist of all the items that need to be tested. This checklist can be used by you and your team to ensure that all the required tests are completed and that the results are documented.

Once the SAT is complete, the app can provide you with a report that includes all the results of the tests conducted. This report can be used to identify any areas of concern and determine if any corrective action is required.

SafetyCulture also allows you to:

Featured Checklist:
Site Acceptance Test Checklist
A site acceptance test checklist is a document that outlines the required steps for SATs. This checklist can be used as a guideline to help you perform SATs and generate a report automatically in various formats, including weblink, PDF, Excel, and more.

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