Registered Domestic Partnerships in New Jersey

A domestic partnership involves two committed individuals who are living together but are not married. Many states within the United States recognize this type of relationship.

Individuals in domestic partnerships share their finances and may also raise children as unmarried parents. In addition, they may be able to apply and register their relationship in order to receive certain government benefits.

Although originally available to same- sex couples who were prohibited from getting married, domestic partnerships are now available to all types of couples. There are no federal guidelines which provide an exact definition of a domestic partnership. In the United States, every state defines these types of relationships differently.

The main purpose of domestic partnerships was to allow same-sex couples to enter into civil contracts that would protect some of their rights as a couple. The individuals are not required to participate in a ceremony to enter into the contract.

The requirements for entering into a domestic partnership will vary state by state. They may include:

In some cases, the domestic partners may formalize their partnership by registering with their local government, their state, or their employer. The registration process is started by filing an application with the court and signing the application in front of witnesses.

Both partners will be required to provide identification and pay any required fees in order to complete the application process. Documents that may be required at the time of application include: